2011. 12. 18.

Close my english essay blog..

To my classmates

Hello, my classmates!! I couldn't talk with this classmates, so I was very sorry for this situation.
After ending this class, I'll pray for your future life!! Thank you so much!!

To my professor Hunter!!

Hunter!! This day I forgot my blog essay, please understand me. I'm so sorry for the late, because I had many homeworks especially essay class, but after ending this class, I became more easily wirte my oppinion for using an English. If  I'll have a chance for writing an essay, I'll choose your class. Thank you so much, and merry christmas Hunter!!

2011. 12. 8.

'Don’t care about woman stabbed to death in China'

 On Nov. 30 at 9 a.m. in Shanxi Province, China, a woman was stabbed to death on the streets, but no passers-by came forth to help her, Hong Kong’s Mingpao reported Wednesday, quoting Citysun. In October, a similar tragic death occurred in Guangdong as a car hit a 2-year-old girl and fled while no passers-by reached out to help her. A man suddenly stabbed a woman passing by with a knife as many as 26 times and then started to kick her gruesomely even though she was badly bleeding, the report said.
Manny Chinese are bemoaning anger and grief of the tragic incident. A Chinese Internet user said, “How and why did we become such a heartless and unsympathetic people?”
 Recently, Our country and Japanese had already been experienced about these case. It doesn't problems in China anymore. Do you know who is your neighborhood? We can't easily ansewer the question. This society is composed to various people. If you'll do not interest the others, you'll be ignored from them.

Korea times, "Don't care about stabbed death in China".Dec.09.2011. 09.Dec.2011